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Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Jennifer Lopez has a crazy workout regime!

Jennifer Lopez works out up to six times a week before music video shoots.
The On the Floor singer hits the gym hard as she gets insecure about how much of her body can be seen in the skimpy outfits she wears for dance routines in her videos.
“You can hide a lot with good clothes, but when you’re doing a video, you really can’t because the clothes get smaller!” she said.
“It’s like all the sudden my stomach’s out. Oh no!
“Its like, that’s what they want me to wear? I’d better start doing Tracy Anderson workouts six times a week then!”
Jennifer’s new album, Love? was released on Monday, and she says the birth of her twins Emme and Max now three with husband Marc Anthony gave her a different perspective to last album, 2007’s Brave, allowing her to tackle the subject of love differently.
“My life has changed since my last album, I’ve changed as a person, obviously I’ve given birth since the last album, and it’s like boom! 360 degree change!” she added.
“I was able to talk about love in a different way, and with the album and the question mark, I knew it would be provocative.
“I think people should question love and should push themselves and examine themselves.
“Are we doing the right things and treating each other in the right way in love? I hope it opens up that dialogue a little bit.”

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