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Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Moby 'Britney Spears is really broken'

Moby has described Britney Spears as being "kind of like a broken-down shell of a human being".
The musician, who co-wrote and produced 'Early Mornin'' on Spears's 2003 album In The Zone, told The Quietus that the singer's damaged nature is part of her appeal.
Talking about musicians who have a sense of entitlement, Moby said: "The worst case scenario is you really like someone's work, then you meet them and they're a self-involved, entitled douchebag."
When his interviewer asked if he meant Spears, he responded: "No, Britney's actually kind of like a broken-down shell of a human being, that's what makes her so endearing and compelling. She was lovely, but really broken. Like, Blanche Dubois-style broken. 
"Actually, the most entitled people I've met are indie rockers and indie actors, because they really believe their press."
In 2008, Moby suggested that Spears's troubles stemmed from "hardcore substance abuse coupled with... she doesn't know who she is". 
Around the same time he joked that he would like to marry Spears, saying: "Britney is like this Tennessee Williams tragic figure. The fatter she gets, the weirder she gets, the more I love her."
When he was described as 'boringly reasonable', Moby said: "I love it when celebrities fall apart... when Britney shaves off all her hair and beats paparazzi with umbrellas - that's what celebrities are supposed to do. They're not supposed to be reasonable, middle-aged guys drinking organic tea talking about semiotics."

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