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Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Cameron Diaz is in theraphy!

Cameron Diaz has revealed she has been seeing a therapist “for ages”.
The actress admits she has been a “tortured” person in the past, which is why she likes to talk about her problems.
“I used to be a very, very, very cynical person and I’ve gotten less cynical,” Cameron said.
“When I was in my 20s, and when I was a child, I was not very happy. I’m a dark person, I’m a really dark, brooding person. No, I’m kidding. I’m not a tortured person. I have been in my past but I don’t like to project that. But I’m a realist. I see things how they are and it’s hard to pretend that they’re anything different.
“I see a therapist. I’ve seen a therapist for ages. I think the most important thing to do is to go some place that’s safe, where you can talk to somebody who has no agenda, who you can unload your sh*t on.”
Diaz recently revealed she has no interest in meeting up with her old school pals.
The Hollywood actress admits she has been invited to countless school reunions but she doesn’t feel the need to go and drag up the past.
“I have never been to a reunion. I just really don’t feel the need to let anybody know what the hell I am doing because they can pretty much tell what I am doing all day,” she says.
“I really don’t care. The people I want to know are there in my life already and if not I can do the Facebook thing that people do, where they upload their entire lives and say things like ‘I took a poop this morning’. I don’t want to know that much about anybody.”

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